Stretch Practitioner


South Miami, FL, South Miami


Part Time

$20 an hour while stretching. $25 an hour event pay. Base hourly rate $12 when training or performing other assigned work. We pay during training week and pay for the training. Yearly raises for full time (30+ hours). Health Benefits and raises available for full time workers.

Employment Type
Looking to continue or start working in the health field? Interested in learning an amazing new fitness/wellness program that truly makes a difference?  Do you want to help people improve their quality of life? 

We provide a proven program that dramatically increases our client’s flexibility and mobility, enabling them to live their life better and experience a range of health benefits.  (Full and part time positions available)
Qualified applicants receive training as part of our apprentice program.

  • Able to perform physically to provide our service to clients.
  • High ethical standards and an appropriate professional image.
  • Good communicator who can work directly with people of all ages and abilities.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • Passion for health and wellness.
  • Willing and able to work some nights, weekends, and holidays.
We are the leading provider for advanced practitioner-assisted stretching using our patented method and strap system.
Over 400 locations and more on the way. 
Compensation: $20.00 per hour

Company Website:

(if you already have a resume on Indeed)

Or apply here.

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